Wednesday 28 October 2015

Penelope Umbrico

Penelope Umbrico (born 1957) is an artist/photographer, best known for appropriating images found using search engines and pictures sharing websites.

Suns from Flickr" - installation view, SF MoMA

Umvrico combines photographs of simple objects, rearranging them to create something all together new. She uses images she found on internet and put them together to make a statement. 

She started  "Suns from Flickr" with the pictures she found on Flickr which contains 541,795 images. She cropped just the sun and ordered the machine prints from Kodak. This is a ongoing  project, with each installation, the numbers of images she found getting more and more. The number itself becomes a statement that the use of web-based photo communities are increasing dramatically. 

Her work makes me think a lot. What are we using our cameras for? 
  • to say " I am here, now"
  • to accurately and quickly make the objects in front of us into an image
  • to catch a moment
  • to store a memory  
  • to record a change
  • even just want to upload to social media and to show off
  • .............
We click more than think, we desire to let people see our photos but forget about the privacy, we store them in a space which is not physically exist rather than print them out, 

These are what i can think so far. For the past days I was thinking what I want to use my camera for, what I want to say. 

Umbrico uses photographs in a completely different way than we normally do and makes a stronger statement about what she wants to say. I like her work. 

Sunset Portraits

Sunsets Portraits is from the same source as "Suns from Flickr". Umbrico left the people who are individuals in the picture. But when she put so many of them together, all these individuals becomes similar or even more or less the same to the viewers. 

Ends of Things

An inventory of hundreds of hand size, house-hold objects (mostly handles)are photographed isolated in front of colorful fields. Each image is paired with a twin print to create a whole new form.

They are out of focus which make the original identification become impossible. Umbrico said that devices made to mimic human eyes. Here the camera is not processing the image clearly, instead,it creates a distortion that produces something altogether different. The image is abstracted from its source, every piece looks similar what ever they originally are, again, the individual becomes less important and becomes one of the large number of multiples. 

I do like this idea. we are all individuals and unique in this world, but when we are put together with lots of other people, we are all the same. 

Honeymoon Suites

Honeymoon Suites is an investigation of the super-glossy honeymoon resort brochures which depict happy-just married-couples in their honeymoon duties. As Umbrico said, they are prefect candy-colorer horizons, blue skies with perfectly fluffy clouds and never ending pinkish sunsets. Is this what a marriage look like? 

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