Friday 2 October 2015

Melrose Abbey

I went Melrose Abbey on Tuesday with my friend. I did not forget to take some photos of course. Tried to use manual function but found it was quite hard when you are out, especially when time was limit. But I think the more you try the better you will get with changing settings for different situations. It was not very successful, with editing afterwards, I got 3 photos I quite like.

I was reading about exposure last night. And it says that sometimes, over exposure and under exposure suit the some situation better and can create a kind of atmosphere.

This one is over exposure, i think it works well, lights make this empty and high up space warmer and brighter. All you can see from the windows and door is lights and i think it suits this Abbey atmosphere. 

I increased exposure on editing for this one and I did not choose black and white. This colour make the abbey and the grave yard feel ancient but in a warmer way. Only thing is perhaps I did not take the photo from the right viewpoint, even though I tried to straight it, I still feel it is not quite right. 

I was high up on top of the Abbey and spotted  this little stone drain. I tried to find a good viewpoint and had this shot with the only the sky as background. I changed it to black and white. I think this makes the photo stronger. quite like this one although it is not my type. 

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