Thursday 29 May 2014

My world my view

I like this title. At the very beginning I did not know what to do with it. By and by I started to have quite a lot of ideas. But when i actually started to take the photos, it was not very easy. I took hundreds of photos from which i chose out these 8 and edited them. Overall I like them, I am quite pleased. But meanwhile, I know they could be better. But I think at this stage I am reaching my limit of ability. I am looking forward to do more.

Here is my world:

 First photo, yes, shoes. For a long time, I always feel shoes are really look like their owners. Especially for people I know. This was the first idea about this 8 photos. I know I want 4 pairs of shoes as a family portrait. I took about 60 photos in different arrangement, different color shoes, different background, different view point, inside and outside. It was hard work. When viewing the photos on computer, most of them did not work. I chose this one as a final, I like the neat arrangement, I think it more like a family. I chose this color rather than black and white because it feels warmer to me. I am planning to take one this kind of photo each year. It will be very interesting to see the photos after years, see the kids' shoe size growing! It is another way to record life I guess. And this is the good thing about this course. You see more, you then think more. You do not have to become an artist, but you surely are getting something interesting for you life.

My parents. They are surely in my world. I don't see them very often. Every time I see them, I see age marks on them. They had been together for over 30 years. It is a long way and would not be easy I guess. I thought I wanted a photo with them holding hands, walking together. The back ground is my drive way and it was a cherry blossom season. The cherry blossom never can last long, this is my favorite scene of the drive way, covered with cherry blossom petals. I did not take a lot of photos for this one, not like the shoes. just a few. I like this one, can see smiles from mum's face and they were like talking something. I am going to print this photo and give it to them. I hope they can hold each others hand, walking their way together in the rest of their life. 
I tried to crop just the hands. I like it too. But today, as I am typing, I decide to use this one. I think this is more what I want. I can feel more from this photo than from the hands. 

Here is the hands:

My son, really like this photo. I can really see him from it. It was in the evening, I can feel calm and peaceful although it is football. It is funny with children, in a nice summer evening, when I sit outside in the garden, kids were playing, running, laughing , they can make a lot of noise. But What I felt from is was the quiet and peaceful part of life. This photo give me this feeling. Tried quite a lot different shots, with him running, kicking, with his bike and his teddy. Got a few good ones. This is the best I think. Like the view point best.

My daughter, from the start, I knew I would have her in my 8 photos. I thought she would be the easiest one. Always taking photos for her. Took some, nothing really worked. cropped this from a whole body one and it works a lot better. I like it. Children are always nature and innocent. I like there is some sunshine shining on her face. I know I could do more with her if I have time.

These are two rings.  After some thoughts, think this should be the way I want to show me and my husband together at this stage of life. I just want two simple circles and shadows. To me,simple is the best for relationship. And I am hoping my marriage can draw a circle at the end of the day. I had to wait for the sun to take this photo. Took quite a lot with different arrangement and I decide I like this one the best. I use the blue tap to make them stand. When I see the photo on computer, the blue tap showed. I was so annoyed. Tried to use Photo Shop to get rid of the blue tap. But what I can do with Photo Shop is very limit. I think it looks fine on computer. I am not sure for printing. It might show the fixing marks! 

My book, tried a lot for this one and decided to put the book on the grass. I like the view point, like the grass right in front my camera. I had to wait for a little wind so that one or two pages can flip by itself. i had to wait for the sun too, so I can get some light on the page. It took me a long time for this photo. I think no matter how fast the world goes and how much technology can change you life. Sometimes, something need to be kept. Books is one of those things to me. In a nice day, doing nothing, just hold a book, get lost in the story is something I want in life. 
I took too many photos for this one and it was very hard to choose one from that many.

These are cherry blossom  petals on the drive way. I was going to take a photo for whole drive way, I like the way the ground covered by the petals. I tried from different view point and finally I put the camera on the ground. Think I like it this way. I edited, the color was pink, quite pale pink. after I enhanced the color, it came rather red than pink. I think I like this color better. I like to have fresh flowers in the house. Grew some seeds last year in the garden and they came beautifully this year. And that is something I learned too in the past years. It is about time and patient. And also I think for anything, as long as you put effort in, even if you might see the result, but you it will benefit you at some point of your life!

This is the sun. It can make me cry, even now. This is for her. She is a very special friend, she was like my mother in the early years of my life in this country. She passed away last Thursday. I took this photo on day before. Thursday morning when I saw these photos on computer, I felt tears. 
She was very ill, after I visited her in hospital two weeks ago, I knew I needed a photo for her. I want light, I want it to be very bright. When I was taking other photos, just about finished, I notice the sun. I suddenly remember another day, my daughter asked me if I knew what the lightest thing in the world. So the sun, the sun light is what i want. I had no idea what it will look like. I was really surprised when I saw the photos. 
I think, heaven is somewhere there , it is unknown, but it must be bright,beautiful and peaceful.

Monday 26 May 2014

Photography review

Have been doing photography for the last a few months. I am really enjoy it and I am happy with the progress I made. Although I have not learned a lot techniques about the camera, or say I did not have much time to try out my camera much. I certainly learned about composition and colors. The most important thing is it practiced my eyes. Sometimes I am still uncertain with choosing photos. I did some reports for 4 photographers. But I did not related my work to theirs much. At the very beginning, I really could not see much from those photographers' work and that is how I could not say much about their work. I hope by the time pass and with more experience, I will be able to see more.

Had been taken quite a lot of photos around the college. Every time I was struggle try to find things to take, but amazingly every time I got something I like. More and more I feel that your eyes are the most important thing and as well as you mind. What is on your mind and what you can see?

Had been thinking about the final 8 photos for a while. First I thought only 8! That is not a lot and should not be hard. But when I actually started to take the photos, I found I left them a bit late. This is not easy if you really want to get something nice.  Been taken hundreds of photos and finally chose out 8. I like them, but I can feel they could be better, but at this moment, I don't know how. i kind of feel I am reaching my limit. That is maybe what I can do so far. Looking forward to the close future. I am excited. I am looking forward to see if I can get some better images.

Thursday 15 May 2014

A happy accident

So far, I have done quite a lot of photographs. Look through them, I can see my improvement. I feel more confident about cropping and the easy editing. I'd like to learn more. But I think my editing skill is on the same level  of my ability about photography. I am a lot better than when I just started. I am able to see the shortcoming of other people's photos. I started to edit even my everyday normal photos before show them to people. But my photos and my ideas are still quite plain. I am looking for more and I feel I need more but I am kind of at the stage of don't know how.

Anyway, there is a photo I took and amazed myself when I looked through my camera. I really just want get a reference for how the shadows fall under the sun and only used the camera on my phone. I was happy with the original one, but I am happier with the edited one. Although I don't really know what it is, a plain jar under the sun, I like the shadow in the bright sun light, I like the reflection from the shadow onto the jar, and the amazing circles come from somewhere on the jar. Maybe on my mind I like something more abstract, but I don's know how to reach it.